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Refurbished Anritsu MP1580A

Anritsu MP1580A

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Anritsu MP1580A 2.5GHz to 10GHz Jitter Wander Analyzer


Jitter and Wander Measurements of SONET/SDH Systems and modules at OC-48/STM-16 and OC-192/STM-64 Rates with Full Compliance to Standards

The MP1580A is the world?s smallest jitter and wander analyzer that can accurately measure jitter characteristics at 2.5Gb/s and 10Gb/s. The MP1580A fully conforms to the jitter specifications of Bellcore GR-1377 and the latest ITU-T O.172 standard for measuring instruments. It offers the required jitter bandwidth of up to 80 MHz on jitter generation and measurement, as well as up to 4000 UIp-p of maximum jitter modulation amplitude for testing at 10 Gb/s.

The MP1580A can optionally perform wander measurement at 2.5 Gb/s and 10 Gb/s rates. Real-time calculation of the MTIE and TDEV wander performance indexes are possible with the MX150002A wander application software using an external PC. In addition, other wander measurements such as Holdover, Wander Tolerance (TDEV), Wander Transfer (TDEV) etc. are also possible with this software.

When used in combination with the MP1570A SONET/SDH/PDH/ATM Analyzer, evaluation of jitter characteristics in digital transmission lines, systems and devices -- such as jitter tolerance, jitter transfer, and jitter generation -- can be performed easily.

A number of software options are available to perform various jitter measurements remotely. The MX158070A (Jitter Measurement Application Software) allows you to control both the MP1580A and the MP1570A/A1 from a PC. The MX158071A (Jitter Measurement Sequence Driver) or MX158072A (LabWindowsCVI Driver) are available for preparing customized measurement solutions of your choice. The MX158070A also provides the unique ability to analyze jitter tolerance measurements in a 3D display.

Anritsu's expertise in this core technology provides a quantum breakthrough in designing this full-featured 10 Gb/s jitter test set in a very compact size. Its intuitive, easy-to-use front panel keys and menus offer a simple method to control the broader capabilities of the MP1580A analyzer. A VGA output is optionally available for connection to an external monitor for larger displays. This portable and lightweight analyzer is designed for R&D, manufacturing, installation, maintenance, and lab evaluation of SONET/SDH chipsets, systems, and networks.


* World's smallest and lightweight Jitter and Wander Analyzer at 10 Gb/s
* Fully conforms to the latest ITU-T O.172 and Bellcore GR-1377 standards
* Both 2.5 Gb/s and 10 Gb/s Jitter Measurement electrically and optically can be done along with the
* MP1570A/A1 Automatic Jitter Tolerance & Jitter Transfer Measurement
* Jitter Evaluation of up to 80MHz with maximum Jitter Modulation Amplitude of 4000 UIp-p
* Wander Measurements at 2.5GHz/10GHz (option) per ITU-T G.813 Rec.
* Long term Wander Measurement including TIE, MTIE, TDEV and TDEV Mask generation
* Built-in Modulator and Demodulator
* Perfect analyzer for jitter testing of Clock Recovery Module, Mux/Demux, Encoder/Decoder, SONET/SDH and DWDM systems (with MP1570A/A1)
* Easy measurement from a remote PC using MX158070A (Jitter Measurement Application Software)
* Customized jitter measurement solution using MX158071A (Jitter Measurement Sequence Driver) or MX158072A (LabWindowsCVI Driver for MP1580A)

Anritsu MP1580A datasheet & specifications

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