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New Teseq-Schaffner NSG 438 Automotive ESD Simulation System

Teseq-Schaffner NSG 438 Automotive ESD Simulation System

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NSG 438 ESD High End ESD Simulator

NSG 438 ESD simulator comprehensively fulfills virtually all international standard requirements and supports proposed future standards. Based on over 20 optional discharge networks, the NSG 438 can also meet any of today’s automotive manufacturers’ standards.

The simulator is simple, convenient and safe to use. The whole range of parameter setting possibilities, including polarity selection, freely adjustable pulse repetition, counter functions and breakdown detection, remains fully available up to the maximum discharge voltage.

The touch panel display with its virtual thumb wheel or keypad for parameter settings shows the precise functional and test data with user-selectable language for convenient and safe operation worldwide. The simulator contains variable threshold selection to enable accurate discharge detection. This detection feature can be switched off when testing EUT’s with non-conductive surfaces, such as plastic housings. Pre-programmed settings for IEC/EN 61000-4-2 and ISO 10605 ensure that the simulator is automatically set up correctly and the appropriate discharge network is installed. The actual RC value is displayed at all times. Molded HV discharge networks in solid cases eliminate ionization and leakage current effects. Selected combinations of RC components guarantee wave shape parameters to be within tolerances.

  • Air and contact discharge 200 V to 30 kV
  • Touch panel display controlled
  • Battery powered
  • Compliant with all known standards (IEC, ANSI, SAE, ISO, MIL etc.)
  • Interchangeable network modules
  • Discharge detector

Teseq-Schaffner NSG 438 Automotive ESD Simulation System datasheet & specifications

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