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The Path Align-R Models (2200/2201/2240/2241) are high performance, affordable and complete test solutions designed to quickly and accurately optimize the transmission path (link) between two microwave antenna sites…all in a matter of minutes! With a transmit power of +0 dBm (0.001 watts) and a maximum receive sensitivity of -100 dBm, the Path Align-R™ will rapidly verify the optimum location for both the receive and transmit antennas. Because the Path Align-R™ directly drives the site's antennas, the optimization process is done without the need for radios, expensive and complex test equipment, ground technicians, on-site AC power, cell phones, two-way radios, etc., etc.…All that is required are the antennas themselves (and adapters and connectors).
XL Microwave 2201 Antenna Alignment Tool datasheet & specifications