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New Promax PROMAX-10 Premium

Promax PROMAX-10 Premium

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PROMAX-10 Premium is a multi purpose CATV Analyser ideal for all size MSO's and contractors as a service and installation tool. The most outstanding feature of this unique meter is its capability to measure MER and BER on QAM digital channels but it is not missing any of the measurements a meter of its class must have. Also it allows to check a possible input saturation of some broadband demodulators by means of the power detection function.

As a signal level meter it can be tuned by frequency or by channel. Various channel tables are available on board and they are all customer definable. Operating as much by means of the channel tuning as of frequency tuning mode can offer several advantages such as:

  • Detection of the total power. This parameter indicates the total power that is being transmitted through the connected coaxial cable to the PROMAX-10 Premium in the band from 5 to 862 MHz.
  • Automatic selection of analog or digital measurement mode.
  • Faster tuning via rotating tuning knob.
  • No need to type-in channel number or frequencies.
  • Combined multi-measure display (video, video/audio, carrier/noise).

    The PROMAX-10 Premium displays with each of the measurements all the information required for the evaluation of the quality of signal under test. It has a GRAPHIC BAR for the interpretation, adjustment and convenient optimization of any cable television system , microwave link or terrestrial aerial.

    It is also possible to tune the audio carrier, allowing demodulation to listen to the sound via a built-in loudspeaker.

    See Spec Sheet for Additional Information

  • Promax PROMAX-10 Premium datasheet & specifications

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