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Refurbished Teledyne LeCroy VBA44Xi

Teledyne LeCroy VBA44Xi

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400 MHz Vehicle Bus Analyzer 

The Vehicle Bus Analyzer Speaks Your Language

The Vehicle Bus Analyzer decodes CAN serial data into Symbolic (application layer ) text directly on the oscilloscope display. For the first time, an engineer has both the full range of CAN protocol stack information—symbolic, hex, and electrical signal—and the ability to view additional in-circuit electrical signals (sensors and actuators, voltage levels, transients, etc.) that influence the CAN bus. In addition, up to four different CAN buses can be decoded at one time.Standard and specialized oscilloscope tools can be used to validate and debug designs.

Eliminate the Barriers to Fast Debug

Direct symbolic decoding and triggering allows fast and intuitive understanding of events.Simply load your existing DBC database file into the oscilloscope (no re-entry of data is required); capture CAN message traffic; and all electrical (signal), protocol (hex), and symbolic (application) layer information is quickly displayed on the oscilloscope screen. Use standard oscilloscope and specialized Vehicle Bus Analyzer tools to find rare events, automatically measure and statistically analyze event timing, and graph/plot information, including extracted CAN message data.

The Single Tool Enhances Productivity

The VBA concentrates all your information in one place. Timing measurements across gateways are now possible. Under standing is fast, intuitive, and in a familiar format. Complete, time-correlated understanding of all ECU or circuit behaviors is simple. Time-consuming workarounds are a thing of the past.

Unique Measurement Tools

The VBA can make many measurements not possible with other instruments. Aside from timing measurements, the VBA can also extract CAN data from a CAN message stream, graphically plot that data on the oscilloscope display, and compare it to other electrical signals. Here, information on the steering angle and steering angle rate of change is extracted from the CAN message acquisition, rescaled to decimal values, and plotted as a time-correlated "Track" on the VBA display.

Vehicle Bus Analyzer Software Capabilities
  • Symbolic (application layer) decode of up to 4 separate CAN buses
  • Symbolic CAN trigger setup
  • Hexadecimal decode and trigger setup
  • Binary trigger setup
  • Automated timing measurements, including capability to measure timing across gateways:
    • CAN message to Analog signal
    • Analog signal to CAN message
    • CAN message to CAN message
  • Bus Load % measurements (up to 2 billion events)
  • CAN message extraction and display in scaled decimal values
  • CAN message bit rate calculation
  • Statistical calculations of many measurements
  • Histogram (graphical) display of statistical data, including timing measurements
  • Trend and Track plots of extracted CAN data
  • Persistence trace, mean, and sigma functionality
  • Complete set of Jitter and Timing (@level) parameters

Teledyne LeCroy VBA44Xi datasheet & specifications

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