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New Avcom PSA-1727B

Avcom PSA-1727B

Request Information
* 1.7 to 2.7 GHz Coverage
* 900 MHz & 5 GHz MFC's Optional
* 50 Screen Memory Up/Download
* Direct Sunlight Readable
* Lightweight (8 lbs)
* PSA-1727BE adds an Ethernet port for network-access, remote control and monitoring; software is included.

Locate and Identify Interference
Wireless interference and wireless noise reduce network throughput and make it difficult for customers to stay connected. The PSA-1727B enables you to identify interfering signals, take corrective action and maintain reliable network operation.

Select Effective Access-Point Locations
Selecting the right locations for your access points is important. A high-noise location will reduce the coverage area of your access point and requires extensive trouble shooting to be marginally operational. The Avcom PSA-1727B allows you to evaluate the noise and interference level at potential access point locations and choose the best option.

Upload/Download 50 Screens
Download / upload saved data between the analyzer and the PC for report documentation. Remote monitoring and data logging via Ethernet cable, wireless or network IP address. Control / Monitor the spectrum analyzer with a Laptop / PC (Windows 98, 2000, XP) via Ethernet / Internet using "friendly" graphic user interface.

Compact, Light, Portable
Thanks to LCD technology and an internal battery, you can work anywhere. The sturdy aluminum case and handle are designed for rugged field use. An optional Cordura nylon case protects the
analyzer and provides pouches for hand tools, cables, and frequency extender.

Avcom PSA-1727B datasheet & specifications

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