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Refurbished Tabor Electronics 5061

Tabor Electronics 5061

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Model 5061 represents the company s next generation of products in the field of function, pulse and arbitrary waveform generators. This instrument is superior and far more versatile than any existing equivalent weather it is an analog or digital product. As a waveform source, this model can replace analog generators in almost every application. The Instrument combines high-frequency performance, versatility and compact size in a boxed format. Featuring signal output in the range of 1mHz to 25MHz and 14-bit vertical DAC resolution and up to 1M arbitrary waveform buffer, these instruments exhibit performance and provide solutions to the most demanding test stimulus challenge.

Product Highlights

  • Single-channel 50MS/s Waveform Generator
  • Sine and Square waves to 25MHz
  • 10 Built-in popular standard waveforms
  • 14 Bit amplitude resolution
  • 12 digits frequency resolution (limited by 1 MicroHz)
  • 512k standard waveform memory (1M option)
  • 1 ppm clock accuracy and stability
  • Comprehensive memory management, including segmentation and sequences
  • AM, FM, Arbitrary FM, FSK, Ramped FSK modulation
  • Linear and Logarithmic Sweep
  • User friendly and menu driven 3.8” color LCD display
  • Multi-Instrument synchronization
  • DDS technology for extremely low phase noise signals
  • Ethernet 10/100, USB 2.0 and GPIB interfaces
  • ArbConnection software for easy waveform creation & control

  • Tabor Electronics 5061 datasheet & specifications

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