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Refurbished Anritsu ME645A

Anritsu ME645A

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The Anritsu ME645A MRTS is designed to meet the requirements of AT&T Company. Principal measurement items are power, frequency, amplitude response, return loss, noise figure, IF spectra, carrier resupply, fade margin, and DC voltage.

The Anritsu ME645A has the following special features:

Versatile Capabilities: Most measurements can be made at the repeater site of a microwave relay system.

Easy Operation: In most cases the measurement item can be switched by merely pushing a single function switch for the desired item.

High Accuracy: The power meter has a 4 digit digital indicator. The sensor is calibrated by an internal reference oscillator. The PCD in the IF sweep generator and the PLL in the RF sweep generator assure accurate, stable output frequencies.

Alarm Signs: When the controls, push button and adjusters are manipulated by an inproper procedure or misoperation an alarm signs (blinking of the LED Display or red lamp) tells that to the operator.

Simple Construction: The main units are the DISPLAYING UNIT and SENDING UNIT. These units are connected by interface cable.

Portable: The compact size and light weight make the test set suitable for hand-carrying and transport by helicopter.

High Reliability and Ruggedness: ICs and LSIs are used extensively throughout to reduce the number of components to a minimum. The selection of parts having small failure rates increases reliability. A rugged mechanical designing is used throughout, considering the most severe transportation conditions.

Microprocessor: The internal microprocessor assures easy operation, high accuracy, and high reliability.

Anritsu ME645A datasheet & specifications

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