Refurbished Agilent 8673B
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The 8673B Synthesized Signal Generator is a full performance synthesizer designed to generate precise microwave signals over the 2 to 26GHz range (4 bands) with 1 to 4kHz frequency resolution. This generator provides -100 to +8 dBm output level to 18GHz, +3 dBm from 18 to 26GHz. To cover a large range of applications, AM, FM, internally leveled pulse modulation, digital sweep, and programmability are standard on this generator. AM depth at rates up to 100kHz can be accurately set using the front-panel meter. Six ranges of metered FM are available at rates and peak deviations up to 10MHz. Simultaneous modulation of AM, FM, and pulse is possible to simulate complex environments. Fully programmable via the HP-IB interface for automatic test applications. Optinos
Agilent 8673B datasheet & specifications