Refurbished Agilent 8660C-001-005
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The 8660C Synthesized Signal Generator mainframe utilizes a wide range of available plug-ins to make up a complete Signal Generator System (plug-ins sold separately). Offers direct keyboard entry of CW frequencies. Increased performance capabilities over the 8660A including digital sweep, frequency stepping, control of frequency with a tuning knob, and a ten-digit numerical display. Auto, Single, or manual digital sweep with selectable speeds of 0.1, 1, or 50 seconds.
Direct keyboard entry of CW output frequencies
10kHz to 2600MHz (plug-in dependent, sold separately)
Synthesizer stability and accuracy
1Hz resolution (2Hz above 1300MHz)
Calibrated output over >140 dB range
AM, FM, FM, or Pulse Modulation
Fully TTL programmable. Options : Option 001 = 3 x 10E-09/day internal reference oscillator Option 002 = No internal reference oscillator Option 003 = Operation from 50 to 400Hz line Option 004 = 100Hz frequency resolution (200Hz above 1300MHz) Option 005 = HP-IB programming interface (cables not supplied) Option 100 = HP 11661B factory installed inside main frame |
Agilent 8660C-001-005 datasheet & specifications