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New Instek LCR-819-RS232

Instek LCR-819-RS232

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LCR Meter Bench 12Hz - 100 kHz with RS232

The LCR819 LCR Meter has a basic measurement accuracy of 0.05%. It is most useful in application areas that need both high stability and high accuracy test criteria. Frequency coverage from 12 Hz to 100 KHz provides versatile parameter-to-frequency measurements to the device under test. The variable test signal voltage, from 5 mV to 1.275 V, and the internal/external DC bias selection simulates the real operation condition of DUT.

With 240 X 128 high-resolution LCD display to show both the test condition and the test result simultaneously, the keypads for menu programming, and the 100 sets of memory to store/recall setup state, the LCR819 combines all the user-friendly features into one product. Optional fixtures are available for easy measurement of radial leaded, axial leaded, and surface-mounting devices. The LCR 819 provides you with a solution of accuracy and convenience. With this product, you are confident that component characteristics are shown just as what they really are in the actual operation environment.

  • Test Frequency: 12Hz~100kHz(LCR-819/829)
  • Continuously Variable Frequencies
  • 0.05% High Measurement Accuracy (LCR-819/817)
  • 100 Sets Memory for Save/Recall of Setup State
  • R/Q, C/D, C/R, L/Q Test Modes
  • Absolute Value, Value, and % Measurement Display
  • 240 x 128 dot Matrix LCD Display
  • Test Condition and Test Result Shown on the Screen Simultaneously
  • Option: RS-232C (Including LCR-Viewer Software)(LCR-819/817)

    See Spec Sheet for Additional Information

  • Instek LCR-819-RS232 datasheet & specifications

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