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Refurbished Agilent 8341A

Agilent 8341A

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Hewlett-Packard 8341A Synthesized Sweeper, 10 MHz to 20 GHz

Precise 1 to 4 Hz frequency resolution (depending on the frequency band chosen) are generated by indirect synthesis techniques. These techniques enable the HP 8341 A to achieve the same low single-sideband phase noise performance as the HP 8672 A and HP 8673 series of synthesized signal generators.

Its long-term stability is also outstanding at 1 x 10 exp-9/day. The HP 8341 A also features CW switching times of typically better 35 ms. Analog sweep widths as narrow as 100 Hz or as broad as the full frequency range permit rapid and thorough testing of any device within their broad frequency ranges. 5 frequency markers are provided.

  • Frequency range: 10 MHz - 20.0 GHz
  • Frequency resolution: 1 to 4 Hz
  • Output range: +10 dBm to -20 dBm
  • Output level resolution: 0.1 dB
  • Internal level accuracy: 0.9 dB
  • Internal flatness: 0.6 dB to 1.5 dB depending on output level range
  • Phase noise: -57 dBc to -107 dBc / 1 Hz noise bw
  • AM modulation
  • Long term stability is excellent at 1x10-9/day
  • HP-IB interface

001 - Front Panel RF Output Without Attenuator
002 - +13 dBm output Power, 2.3 to 18.6 GHz
004 - Rear Panel RF Output With Attenautor
005 - Rear Panel RF Output Without Attenuator
006 - Pulse Modulation
007 - Improved Phase Noise Specifications
910 - Extra operating and Service Manual
806 - Rack Mount Slide Kit
850 - HP 8410B/C Interface cable
908 - Rack Flange Kit
913 - Rack Flange Kit for Instruments with Front Handles
914 - Delete Service Manual

Agilent 8341A datasheet & specifications

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